May 2 – St. Athanasius
St. Athanasius, the great champion of the Faith was born at Alexandria, about the year 296, of Christian parents. Educated under the eye of Alexander, later Bishop of his native city, he made great progress in learning and virtue. In 313, Alexander succeeded Achillas in the Patriarchal See, and two years later St. Athanasius went to the desert to spend some time in retreat with St. Anthony. In 319, he became a deacon, and even in this capacity he was called upon to take an active part against the rising heresy of Arius, an ambitious priest of the Alexandrian Church who denied the Divinity of Christ. This was to be the life struggle of St. Athanasius.
May 3 – Sts. Timothy & Maura
Two martyrs, husband and wife, in Antinoe (modern Egypt). Timothy was a reader in the Egyptian Church who was ordered to hand over the Scriptures to Roman officials. When he refused, he was arrested and condemned with his wife of a mere three weeks, Maura. They were nailed to a wall and lingered for nine terrible days during which they gave encouragement to each other.
May 14 – Isidore the Martyr of Chios
This Saint was a soldier from Alexandria. He came with the Roman fleet to Chios, where he was betrayed as a Christian to Numerian, Commander of the Fleet. Because he boldly professed himself to worship Christ as God the Son and refused to worship any other, he was tormented and beheaded in 251, during the reign of Decius.
May 22 – St. Julia of Tunisia
St. Julia was a slave girl crucified for her faith.